Melody, Movement & Me!

Frequently Asked Questions

Let me answer some frequently asked questions that you may also have. If your question is not covered here or elsewhere in the website, please don't hesitate to contact me.

How can I pay for the classes?

You may pay by check or cash. Full amount is due on first day of class or you may split the fee in half and make the first payment at the first class and post-date a check for half-way through the session for the rest. I am willing to discuss other arrangements.

Can siblings attend class?

It is generally not effective to have siblings attend class. The experience for you and your child is more focused and beneficial when you only have the age appropriate child in class. If, however, special circumstances arise such as school cancellation or Dad didn't make it home in time from work to take the baby, we can work around that. The exception is for the preschool class. For the few minutes at the end when parents join us, they may bring any siblings they like for those activities.

How should I dress for class?

Class is very active so I usually recommend that you dress in layers. Have something light on under a sweater, for instance, so that if you get hot part way into class you can get cooler. Children don't like to be hot, so be sure they are dressed lightly or can get down to short sleeves when they get warmed up.

Who can bring the child to class?

That decision is entirely up to you. One or both parents are welcome to attend. Some children come with a care-giver or grammy and grampy. It doesn't need to be the same person every week. However, consistency does sometimes make a difference in the first few classes as children acclimate to the class and new faces.

Can I bring a visitor to class?

You bet! Often relatives that are in town for a visit like to come to see their little ones in class. Maybe a friend has wanted to know what it's all about and would like to come to class with you to see for herself. Just let me know ahead of time if there will be an extra child coming so I can be sure to have enough props and instruments on hand.

Can my toddler join class at 17 months?

I do enroll some children at 17 months, but only after a discussion with the parent and it is at my discretion. My ultimate goal is to ensure that your child is ready and that it will be a rewarding experience for you and your child. By all means, give me a call if you are wanting to enroll your child at this age and we can chat.

What happens when a class is cancelled?

When class is cancelled due to weather, illness or other reasons, the class end date is delayed by one week. You will always get your full session in, so definite end dates for a session aren't set in stone, especially in the winter here in the Maritimes !

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